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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf gubo | public | 24 players | 2020-05-11T17:37:20.034Z

3tox25241.04022% Russian Federation
2Sergik@mac8300.27212% Italy
1Perussola21420.5123% Italy
1MrAckee10340.29017% Italy
0041341.21037% Serbia
0EchoOfNow34113.09239% Germany
0name22131.69235% Romania
0apf15400.38222% Australia
0iRock11190.58226% India
0Chrunchstick991037% United States
0TheButcher1100.106% Germany

1break63361.75224% Russian Federation
1F!!!**38351.09421% Turkey
1Dr_Monkey19330.58316% France
1G!9270.33118% Mexico
0=DK=hamon87243.63257% Germany
0ouch30241.25325% Germany
0smerf_maruda24370.65130% Russian Federation
0B@@l15111.36123% Germany
0KRL15390.38421% Russian Federation
0Ken0bi4120.33011% France
0Otto3200.15011% Germany
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