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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 22 players | 2020-05-09T22:03:13.268Z

3wall-e30390.77034% Germany
3murdog28261.08222% Australia
2BlueSkies43212.05147% United States
1iwrestledabear73203.65136% United States
1tuta71213.38137% Serbia
1:bkz21191.11031% Belarus
0(&)Bavettine11210.52023% United States
0w00p|tenshi414057% Germany
0(&)Gemelli02000% Italy

0|DM|iZuck66341.94140% Germany
0Krawattenbinder37361.03324% Germany
0swejehtsag27330.82030% Italy
0TheDude24420.57033% Germany
0Fusselfrei6480.13111% Germany
0LordAnubis3230.1308% Australia
0(&)Garganelli2360.06016% Australia
0murmouse120.5011% Russian Federation
00_0150.208% United States
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