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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf reissen | public | 16 players | 2020-05-05T05:52:07.464Z

1sinky.nktod41311.32041% Australia
1[BOOF]BOOPHY16280.57328% Australia
0[tBMC]firefly45291.55033% Australia
0Phantomas12300.4034% Mexico
0mane9300.3113% United States
0Atheist6230.26016% Germany
0RocketSauce5220.23021% Australia
0gb-225-0.0812% China

1+Bazzled-7270.2619% Jamaica
0fatmonkeygenius50252045% Germany
0(&)Mandala39162.44141% Germany
0Millycat30330.91023% United States
0.24102.4042% Australia
0Xdoophy~8270.3112% Germany
0[tBMC]Halbgar6110.55014% Germany
0[tBMC]tnyELVIS!0190112% Australia
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