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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf duomo | public | 23 players | 2020-05-02T05:29:40.880Z

1DeathKnight_HUN6210.29034% Hungary
0test72203.6051% Australia
0[tBMC]firefly21191.11045% Australia
0B@@l8200.4020% Germany
0(&)Quadrettini490.44015% United States
0josh313015% Australia
0[BOOF]BOOFY3120.2503% Australia
0Pink-824-0.3319% Australia

0paklet22230.96132% United States
0[tBMC]tnyELVIS!15230.65034% Australia
0OldMan9180.5121% Germany
0bensocket8180.44027% Australia
088416280.21014% India
0ELPULLLLPO370.43012% Russian Federation
0(&)Fedelini020011% Australia
0jordan-118-0.0608% Australia
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