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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf fc5 | public | 27 players | 2020-04-28T19:09:02.627Z

3wall-e43241.79044% Germany
2Janitor19250.76025% Germany
1murdog1982.38032% Australia
1apf12220.55017% Australia
0dikaN46222.09135% Turkey
0break1844.5036% Russian Federation
0Ken0bi15210.71038% France
0deeph00n12290.41014% Germany
0ice3oy7300.2308% Germany
0olo4330.1218% Italy

3Perussola17220.77121% Italy
2ROH2F38281.36333% France
2(&)Tagliatelle28231.22031% France
2Dr_Monkey21220.95022% France
0Tengrichan87146.21148% Hungary
0(&)Garganelli18121.5038% Italy
0GAV216270.59024% Russian Federation
0ghoul12230.52119% Italy
0RocketSauce6240.25119% Australia
0Thomas5300.17113% Germany
0maxsuper111014% Russian Federation
0Tiburcio-125-0.0410% Russian Federation
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