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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf damnation | public | 23 players | 2020-04-24T22:25:39.128Z

3IXR20250.8034% Australia
1Sertraline53182.94054% United States
1wimp44202.2043% Romania
1rkdr1252.4066% Russian Federation
1Julioj12300.4115% United States
1Ragnacroc9170.53023% Japan
0yarrojakson26231.13027% Germany
0RedTurtleX21250.84127% Australia
0John230.67033% Australia
0Spayce_DVL-32-1.530% Australia

3your_mother19300.63024% Germany
2newt16250.64021% Italy
1pimp33291.14141% Germany
130021220.95222% New Zealand
1Raoulatorrr7280.25121% France
0Kopatel30251.2131% Russian Federation
0wlkn25270.93132% Australia
0ghoul5140.36015% Italy
0gaybutthole431.33129% Australia
0nahtzee120.5118% Australia
dikaN Turkey
elchapo Mexico
Lupus Unknown
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