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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf hallo | public | 26 players | 2020-04-24T19:01:00.013Z

630021141.5017% New Zealand
3CoronaZombie51192.68047% Germany
2*<]:)GoT)vis*RS46153.07038% Serbia
2(&)Tagliatelle3093.33032% France
2Ragnacroc590.56019% Japan
1dp2625141.79024% Germany
1alpam12130.92020% France
1wall-e751.4058% Germany
0CouchTomato42314033% Australia
0Spatz12337.67022% Germany
0bin_schon_tot00000% Germany

0xXRamboXx30350.86132% Sweden
0Stockbrot12101.2030% Germany
0nothing12330.36019% Sweden
0maxsuper1061.67037% Russian Federation
0dikaN6160.38124% Turkey
0ghoul6290.21010% Italy
0hybrid5340.15017% Russian Federation
0Roc4y2180.11316% Bulgaria
0Epicur08000% Russian Federation
0(&)Anellini019000% Australia
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