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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf flagstone | public | 27 players | 2020-04-23T19:16:56.936Z

2Dr_Monkey24211.14123% France
2(&)Tagliatelle17151.13123% France
1nothing24221.09123% Sweden
1G!21141.5026% Mexico
0tuta78126.5144% Serbia
0CoronaZombie49232.13137% Germany
0-NC-angst41211.95136% Sweden
0maxsuper22240.92221% Russian Federation
0Praseodym4120.3307% Germany

0ЫTЬ27181.5030% Russian Federation
0Perussola26390.67027% Italy
0dikan24231.04024% Turkey
0On22380.58019% Russian Federation
0porteavion7340.2126% France
0CaravanOfLove460.67044% Germany
0BRA-asdf470.57025% Russian Federation
0(&)Anellini270.29050% Australia
0Wolfman280.25013% India
0sbas06000% Mexico
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