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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf shipwreck | public | 25 players | 2020-04-21T19:35:34.358Z

1break45143.21028% Russian Federation
1Janitor21220.95012% Germany
0coin30211.43025% Sweden
0UkrainaForever_23201.15024% Ukraine
0murdog20141.43025% Australia
0conebone20250.8019% Germany
0eat_my_bubbles19131.46117% Australia
0SHoOtToDeF17200.85013% Germany
0Nxy|tee|1381.63044% Italy
0sbas12180.67014% Mexico
0tox951.8020% Russian Federation
0(&)Rotini-12-0.510% Germany

1FredTheRed18220.82127% Italy
0Hector26181.44026% United States
0(&)Garganelli26290.9021% Italy
0(&)Tagliatelle24171.41022% France
0Darmfee22221029% Germany
0G!19230.83122% Mexico
0a_theory13160.81111% Australia
0Xander11230.48014% Germany
0Bloodbath221066% Russian Federation
0wlkn120.5016% Australia
0Corallini(&)140.25025% Russian Federation
0Jeff00000% Japan
Trixter Australia
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