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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf autumn | public | 24 players | 2020-04-20T13:32:28.993Z

3ChrizZ26211.24021% Germany
1Slash14830191.58032% Japan
1wall-e28281126% Germany
1(&)Tagliatelle11200.55015% France
1brasello9230.39214% Italy
0fractal31221.41143% Italy
0snowman24211.14014% United States
0guix1982.3805% Italy
0H.M.S1535023% Italy
0schnitzel14141018% Germany

1russia23221.05114% Russian Federation
1murdog22151.47021% Australia
1krown22201.1033% Germany
1Hypergolic18250.72118% Italy
0tuta36261.38027% Serbia
0dikan27201.35018% Turkey
030022240.92116% New Zealand
0(&)Garganelli10210.48011% Italy
0Rexus|sp4nk|919090% Italy
0cookiecorn890.89019% Germany
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