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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf turbulence | public | 25 players | 2020-04-16T19:12:43.265Z

4pimp20121.67051% Germany
2vastrdoz16121.33034% Australia
2ouch1562.5040% Germany
2maxsuper8150.53021% Russian Federation
1CoronaZombie27141.93048% Germany
0Zack20102033% Germany
030015121.25022% New Zealand
0fractal741.75036% Italy
0Ankit240.5020% India
0apf01000% Australia

2RedTurtleX6110.55026% Australia
1tuta16190.84026% Serbia
0[RUSS]John-11725171.47042% Russian Federation
0gekz15180.83039% Germany
0nothing13140.93046% Sweden
0Dragan9220.41040% Germany
01040661016% Sweden
0|LaTn|Edux3200.1518% Japan
0(&)Linguine230.67133% Australia
0Corallini(&)04000% Russian Federation
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