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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf bad_moon | public | 26 players | 2020-04-15T22:45:31.067Z

3wall-e17190.89025% Germany
2tuta27171.59228% Serbia
2Pfannenpimmel1160.0604% Germany
1Sweeper56183.11044% Germany
1Metalliko9230.39022% Russian Federation
1botbot871.14019% Germany
1Ladycat77120.58017% Slovenia
0RED|skimmet54134.15144% United States
0El38|Spectrum15131.15132% Russian Federation
0Murrr8100.8021% Germany

1blackeagle_190326211.24033% Germany
0Koneko42251.68131% Mexico
0fidonet.ger29310.94034% Germany
0GameOver10270.37119% France
0dikan5130.38017% Turkey
0warrior|tee5220.2308% India
0smd3180.17016% Norway
0neckpillow260.33018% Germany
0TheOneAndi02000% Germany
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