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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf tejen | public | 20 players | 2020-04-15T12:58:44.319Z

2[RUSS]julia46133.54034% Russian Federation
1conebone26270.96026% Germany
1Corallini(&)14340.41018% Russian Federation
05434301.13024% Italy
0UkrainaForever28181.56317% Ukraine
0{Ca}fardoux12150.8221% France
0wall-e12250.48116% Germany
0TATA3260.1217% Romania

1dp2623330.7221% Germany
1Jazzman1591.67329% Sweden
0WF[CATALONIA]27261.04131% Russian Federation
0Nekxious24191.26020% France
0newt24270.89328% Italy
0Ghtrye22240.92123% France
0th-clow18320.56133% Australia
0(&)Spaghettoni515041% Japan
0Ag!551017% Germany
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