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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf reissen | public | 16 players | 2020-04-15T12:27:13.651Z

4pimp22211.05031% Germany
2CoronaZombie32171.88039% Germany
2RaoultMaPoule17190.89030% France
2EndTheLockdown12180.67119% Italy
1WF[CATALONIA]34191.79038% Russian Federation
1guix414025% Italy
0Hulltrix590.56029% Czech Republic
0541010100% Italy

1th-clow3280.11026% Australia
0Nekxious12290.41127% France
0TREASUREGOBLIN7280.25018% Italy
0unna4280.14011% China
0Devla340.75033% Hungary
0axelsche270.29118% Germany
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