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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf fc5 | public | 31 players | 2020-04-06T19:15:18.764Z

3conebone29171.71035% Germany
2SHIELD44123.67041% Hungary
2QWERTY|SPAIN30221.36124% Germany
2Toranaga19191023% Switzerland
2alpam16200.8022% France
2FredTheRed13240.54121% Italy
1Crowd>sata21111.91145% Russian Federation
0razvan65252.6240% Romania
0Ghtrye20210.95026% France
0murdog1033.33043% Australia
0(&)Conchiglie7270.26011% Netherlands

1pimp43251.72150% Germany
1Darmfee18260.69020% Germany
0caveman19330.58027% Australia
0PowahDunk14290.48014% Australia
0tuta12111.09031% Serbia
0Asylum12121035% France
0XD~11111034% Germany
0apf9210.43026% Australia
0Snape6140.43021% Russian Federation
0DJ6220.27013% Australia
0Bossanova09000% Italy
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