!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:> Rigatoni Rugby <: | Germany

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insta_ctf forge | public | 22 players | 2020-03-21T16:06:03.352Z

2-NC-angst38321.19139% Sweden
2peugeot20625310.81019% Croatia
1Gal@xy5370.14010% France
0w00p|Honzik162312043% Czech Republic
0[Ñ]PigDeadBoy23240.96016% Germany
0Atheist7190.37134% Germany
0man313060% Australia

2Crowd>sata43221.95050% Russian Federation
2B@dMonkey15250.6017% France
1|RB|мaмбa59262.27035% Serbia
0FlaskStealsRL36271.33132% Russian Federation
0CreepySo24270.89228% France
0[RUSS]BUL|LET16340.47013% Russian Federation
0(&)Cavatelli06000% China
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