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:> Rigatoni Rugby <: | Germany

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insta_ctf mercury | public | 26 players | 2020-03-12T19:50:28.150Z

3-NC-Andreas18220.82014% Greece
1Aegon23250.92031% Russian Federation
1VoiceOfTruth2182.63035% Russian Federation
1ste6130.46013% Italy
0Sweeper105147.5156% Germany
0|DM|benzomatic2263.67036% Germany
0murdog16151.07115% Australia
0e|rhul10190.53015% Sweden
0(&)Tagliatelle531.67022% France
0beginner551050% Germany
0(&)Stortini3200.1509% Italy
0Atheist01000% Germany

1Rayhawkings16320.5022% Germany
1smd13220.59028% Norway
0JAZZOCC26221.18027% Germany
0Zack21220.95014% Germany
0wall-e17250.68025% Germany
0Ladycat716131.23031% Slovenia
0[RUSS]BUL|LET15300.5014% Russian Federation
0H10110.91125% Italy
0superKIKI7180.39028% France
0unma'amed5230.2208% Australia
00_0360.5025% United States
054380.3819% Italy
Ken0bi France
Hakuna_Matata Germany
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