Server | Mode | Map | Type | Results | Clients | End time |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | ra | public | 12 | 2024-06-28T05:06:45.737Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | forgotten | public | 21 | 2024-06-27T20:57:28.390Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | urban_c | public | 17 | 2024-06-27T20:47:06.374Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | reissen | public | 23 | 2024-06-27T20:25:57.908Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | berlin_wall | public | 20 | 2024-06-27T20:15:25.275Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | suburb | public | 17 | 2024-06-27T19:22:46.895Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | snapper_rocks | public | 16 | 2024-06-27T19:12:10.509Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | dust2 | public | 17 | 2024-06-27T17:12:15.095Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | autumn | public | 17 | 2024-06-27T17:05:13.837Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | bklyn | public | 18 | 2024-06-27T16:54:44.166Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | haste | public | 18 | 2024-06-27T16:44:18.541Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | stadium | public | 17 | 2024-06-27T16:33:58.643Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | shipwreck | public | 15 | 2024-06-27T16:27:23.673Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | earthsea | public | 20 | 2024-06-27T15:55:27.683Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | gubo | public | 16 | 2024-06-27T15:45:08.941Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | akroseum | public | 20 | 2024-06-25T21:07:41.790Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | divine | public | 17 | 2024-06-25T20:59:20.579Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | face-capture | public | 23 | 2024-06-25T20:51:51.830Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | fc4 | public | 24 | 2024-06-25T18:36:38.363Z | |
|> RUGBY iCTF <| | insta_ctf | akroseum | public | 24 | 2024-06-25T18:25:49.969Z |
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