!mpressive Sauer Tracker

PSL.sauerleague.org 1 | Germany

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insta_ctf haste | public | 18 players | 2019-01-05T15:32:15.999Z

4lee-wales-uk41231.78039% United Kingdom
1TreffeR33113049% Germany
1pb16320.5123% Germany
1FredTheRed9260.35011% United Kingdom
03001672.29035% New Zealand
0UltimaThule961.5045% Italy
0Dave19945190.26011% Poland
0=DK=Lawuh414026% Germany
0Fucker01000% United States

3KillJoss(Y)20210.95017% Spain
2Gnocchi26221.18032% United States
1[tBMC]ztk34291.17020% Germany
1Guess_who18270.67023% France
0putinthepirat1152.2036% Poland
0Jolly-Jedai8120.67019% Uzbekistan
0Brother450.8028% Italy
0dropbox3110.27042% Greece
0Adid4sKrasovki221019% Ukraine
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