!mpressive Sauer Tracker

PSL.sauerleague.org 1 | Germany

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insta_ctf campo | public | 19 players | 2019-01-01T19:34:00.870Z

1eeee_macarena34400.85136% Italy
1ScrubNoob31330.94032% Germany
0|DM|Skillzful59252.36039% Canada
0Neko.32251.28129% Germany
0kotofey28330.85029% Russian Federation
0luffy18300.6322% Pakistan
0\\Ziq|tee|//4110.36120% France
0oo|zero111033% Germany
0maxsuper140.25012% Russian Federation
0TheBigBatard02000% France

0=DK=r459252.36243% France
0macaco48271.78033% Romania
0Yolandi28310.9233% France
0J25270.93132% Belgium
0electrojustin24330.73030% United States
0Sergik@mac12350.34117% Italy
0whoisme8380.21115% Netherlands
0!s]DarkFire'515055% United States
0sata221018% Pakistan
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