!mpressive Sauer Tracker

.:: Rocket CTF ::. | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 15 players | 2018-10-24T19:58:11.950Z

7ogrO20290.6956% Poland
2Ao1|Pointblank27360.7548% United States
1h8690.6726% India
0ntt32330.97310% Finland
0pavel16170.9457% Germany
0Nils_da_beast12320.3895% Namibia
0Gibby_McFragger160.1711% United States

410010101111001044391.13511% Germany
3Frolishous20370.5437% Namibia
2tox.chat20320.63012% Russian Federation
0nooob10330.316% Germany
0Evileye4170.2454% Namibia
0Crzy773330.0943% Namibia
0Chief_Nick00000% United States
0(&)Gemelli00000% Russian Federation
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