!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf haste | public | 23 players | 2017-09-26T20:39:32.199Z

2Steno2.025181.39240% Italy
2Khal-Hack20191.05224% France
1Grandma53252.12035% Germany
0TrianG40271.48029% Latvia
0SatoshiNakamoto25330.76223% Switzerland
0kondrk24260.92026% Serbia
0papush!11280.39011% France
0|RB|__FRY__842027% Russian Federation
0mX|shuzo717033% Belgium
0zennuccio590.56027% Italy
09gag09013% Switzerland

1putin1291.33032% Poland
1Barbina710200.5022% Slovenia
0mr_muh40371.08037% Germany
0Fenchelauflauf27340.79128% Switzerland
0Li25350.71123% Russian Federation
0Exvilia21260.81024% France
0Pumpking19210.9025% Netherlands
0nanar15270.56025% France
0Eduardo~Sama6330.18111% Mexico
0satan6663110.27118% Australia
0|OSH|Rotti00000% Germany
Zoch Switzerland
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