!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf tempest | public | 15 players | 2017-08-25T12:17:50.037Z

3lee-wales-uk43123.58154% United Kingdom
3tox20121.67034% Russian Federation
2thelonious34172032% Austria
1Ulla19101.9228% Germany
09gag260.33013% Switzerland
0aaronrays130.3307% India
0Dr.Avo00000% Denmark

1Rmn13280.46025% Slovenia
1Yakamika9260.35026% France
0s3xy|BigNoob1635.33034% France
0CaptainBuzzkill8220.36114% New Zealand
0Guess_who4130.31014% France
0boy02000% China
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