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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf fc5 | public | 14 players | 2017-07-20T18:37:56.344Z

5ElMuerto23151.53033% Germany
3(&)Barbina18131.38026% Slovenia
3FlufyJoyGG7220.32015% Turkey
2yttr35113.18142% United States
1[RUSS]julia1682035% Russian Federation
1g58698190.42120% Czech Republic
0noo11130.85024% Greece

1P690.67020% Germany
0|noVI:miu27241.13030% Ukraine
0CptKacke12319230.83023% Germany
0epimeteo16260.62017% Italy
0MrDick1071.43142% Mexico
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