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:: InstaRugby :: | Romania

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insta_ctf authentic | public | 24 players | 2017-07-20T18:03:53.756Z

1=DK=PMA<312101.2046% Germany
1><11270.41216% Azerbaijan
0Red.Tay|Z33350.94023% Austria
0TenderBalls28261.08026% Spain
0Snoopy22161.38232% Switzerland
0[RUSS]julia21260.81120% Russian Federation
0XD~12280.43014% Germany
0ColourblindBaal450.8026% Germany
0POTUS4190.21018% United States
0Px101000% Germany

2(&)Barbina37162.31136% Slovenia
0=DK=4-Tune46182.56033% Germany
0ImaginePeace31251.24029% Germany
0JustMe29291040% United States
0wlad26261134% Switzerland
0tox25161.56032% Russian Federation
0GeekRealms16250.64020% Spain
0putin1191.22034% Poland
0li'lfluf01000% Latvia
0[`_`]01000% United States
0iSnout02000% Canada
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