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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf nucleus | public | 22 players | 2017-07-19T18:51:50.439Z

4Hier63117220.77123% Spain
2wzw17290.59019% Estonia
1-NC-Andreas43251.72239% Greece
1Zack35271.3025% Germany
1unnnamed881020% France
1sweatygirlhole8120.67012% United States
0Tenseko26112.36135% United States
0why22102.2048% Poland
0Fenchelauflauf02000% Switzerland
0(&)Orecchiette-113-0.0810% Portugal

4[RUSS]Sterlik38271.41425% Russian Federation
2MerkelsTITS23290.79129% Croatia
1|SM|Springbok32301.07131% South Africa
1Lamms18240.75028% Germany
0fumo-olie23191.21331% Portugal
0Sergik@mac11320.34019% Italy
0MrDick651.2042% Mexico
0Belvitarolegge4120.3316% Hungary
0brayan214280.1436% Colombia
0Mongolo3120.25113% Peru
li'lfluf Latvia
vaQ'Aiurz Switzerland
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