!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf wdcd | public | 27 players | 2017-07-02T20:24:53.612Z

3echtjetzt31330.94030% Germany
3QWERTY|SPAIN29360.81021% Spain
3|SM|Springbok20360.56018% South Africa
3|SM|Maserati18390.46017% Germany
2Tino32231.39425% Germany
1bluzz28300.93022% Germany
1FredTheRed11420.26121% United Kingdom
0EchoOfNow32321120% Germany
0glory|Gelatin25171.47037% Belarus
0SmegmaBoy_X9110.82022% Germany
0nob9300.3021% Uruguay
0Cuddle|BradPitt741.75129% Germany
0HIF313050% Russian Federation

2Tatwaffe40271.48026% Germany
2**MeisterEder**36281.29023% Germany
2KeN27350.77026% Germany
2(&)Gnocchi24370.65024% France
2tobleroned19340.56017% United Kingdom
2Chief_Nick14410.34115% United States
1NoobStr46291.59025% Russian Federation
1Silence26330.79124% Germany
0|DM|iZuck5486.75045% Germany
0ww|E...52242.17140% Romania
0pgfidten15141.07116% Germany
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