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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 28 players | 2017-07-02T20:14:24.176Z

4Chief_Nick11260.42012% United States
2CHAKALL25280.89023% Bulgaria
1kim29271.07134% Switzerland
0QWERTY|SPAIN37251.48130% Spain
0ZikaHunter32231.39134% Canada
0Silence32251.28229% Germany
0alienware24320.75224% Dominican Republic
0|SM|Springbok12320.38415% South Africa
0tobleroned11220.5216% United Kingdom
0the_Bloody10200.5115% Sweden
0GhostAsylum8280.29026% Italy
0nob370.43020% Uruguay

1**MeisterEder**37271.37225% Germany
1NoobStr35271.3124% Russian Federation
1Tatwaffe28221.27027% Germany
1pappy12180.67117% United States
0bluzz34211.62026% Germany
0ww|E...29132.23045% Romania
0Tino22250.88122% Germany
0KeN19280.68126% Germany
0echtjetzt17280.61022% Germany
0FredTheRed15190.79025% United Kingdom
0|SM|Maserati13260.5111% Germany
0(&)Gnocchi9290.3128% France
0EchoOfNow5100.5012% Germany
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