!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf suburb | public | 29 players | 2017-07-02T19:43:08.807Z

1LuckyLag29231.26029% Germany
1(&)Gnocchi19220.86029% France
1Chief_Nick9140.64016% United States
1Atheist7310.23018% Germany
0[Maegis]Arris20111.82036% Netherlands
0/dev/crazy17250.68023% Brazil
0ColourblindBaal14180.78015% Germany
0Badass11120.92022% Germany
0Xoxoxo441013% United States
0Silence350.609% Germany
0a_theory240.5022% United States
0CHAKALL101050% Bulgaria
0Serialkiller1110.0905% Austria

2NoobStr36172.12026% Russian Federation
2DaveX25161.56115% Italy
1|SM|Springbok24211.14024% South Africa
0ICC|Gufo40123.33035% Italy
0|SM|negus19161.19124% Hungary
0Tino17111.55016% Germany
0(&)Pilluuu12170.71020% Germany
0"Ute?"-"Ja?"11150.73021% Germany
0Boomerang!961.5032% United Kingdom
0Zabiatko5230.2209% Poland
0phish490.44021% United States
0OGKush!101033% United States
0x->000000% Brazil
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