!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf fc5 | public | 16 players | 2017-06-24T14:19:22.102Z

6F!!!40291.38027% Turkey
5ffds30231.3145% United States
3[TWN].Kar15220.68224% Taiwan
3bluzz14200.7116% Germany
0pgfidten12150.8027% Germany
0Perussola9130.69034% Italy
0NoobStr11109% Russian Federation
0damightyjuicbox1310.0312% United States

4noo22250.88032% Greece
1Yummi42162.63055% Germany
130014350.4020% New Zealand
1JamesBond|CC751.4030% Italy
1CcaOn632046% Hungary
0{camper}dkfl-5122181.22025% Russian Federation
0|DM|Alluro1882.25041% Germany
0Dr.M34tgun1010100% Germany
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