!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf wdcd | public | 26 players | 2017-05-30T17:38:07.659Z

2-NC-Andreas44202.2029% Greece
1Thinman2435291.21231% Netherlands
1slash18320.56018% France
1QWERTY|SPAIN17121.42029% Spain
1vaginalbacteria13410.32019% United States
0Snoopy24231.04126% Switzerland
0Faust24320.75020% Norway
0Kryptel23330.7022% Italy
0teub_en_platre16340.47016% France
0|SM|Maserati16350.46114% Germany
0lSwelKetPcPMxe1291.33027% Sweden
0Grijando623024% Spain
0wyh00000% Poland

2ZouOu41192.16025% France
2F!!!680.75016% Turkey
1Perussola31311019% Italy
1JustMe30271.11128% United States
1ZzZ24350.69025% Germany
1apf15270.56117% United States
0Puls67232.91133% Germany
0Shitface45212.14036% Germany
0Pljas,Pjlas24102.4025% Netherlands
0Briareos13121.08022% Mexico
0gnoumph9340.26018% France
0Serthur890.89033% Italy
0Mac-Rond130.3309% France
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