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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf mbt1 | public | 24 players | 2017-04-29T17:56:22.511Z

3Luther151711170.65023% Romania
3#!RE11240.46017% Russian Federation
2Saitama19181.06225% Spain
1ZoomingerRus40211.9034% Russian Federation
1$u!c!de15111.36122% Germany
1Mr.Holmes7180.39312% Romania
0svenj52192.74061% United Kingdom
0Camorizy46162.88129% Germany
0Popovic8160.5022% Germany
0GrossKahn7200.35118% Germany
0echtjetzt450.8019% Germany
0Kobold012000% Germany

0PLJAS,PLJAS30271.11027% Netherlands
0bjk.hdbxskh.ajo23240.96130% United Kingdom
0Sweeper2082.5150% Germany
0Пapтизaн20201032% Russian Federation
0WrongGuy19141.36137% France
0ufftata17240.71023% Germany
0ColourblindBaal14260.54015% Germany
0Jacob13150.87213% France
0sourMAN13230.57226% United States
0Ashot-79190.47015% Germany
0(&)Capunti4150.2708% Italy
0XD~380.38112% Germany
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