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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf dust2 | public | 22 players | 2017-04-07T15:14:06.394Z

2Dak28221.27136% Italy
2ayat13170.76019% Iran, Islamic Republic of
1D234221300.7025% Germany
1[RUSS]julia15250.6027% Russian Federation
0=DK=BigSmoke43231.87133% Germany
0w00p|Vodka41291.41134% Poland
0DukeNukem33261.27028% United States
0putin30281.07235% Poland
0JustMe14300.47018% United States
0ICC|Fennec818042% Italy
0Фopмaт240.5022% Russian Federation

1Vufudza53331.61037% Poland
0[~]DashR39341.15131% Italy
0SHIELD28171.65138% Hungary
0conebone27380.71031% Germany
0:-/26280.93010% United States
0B@dMonkey21280.75219% France
0pizza14260.54016% Germany
05amurai10360.28016% Germany
0<sAs/butters>761.17118% Greece
0tehsua4180.22328% Canada
0ww|wolverine331025% Romania
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