!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf forge | public | 28 players | 2017-03-18T18:28:41.430Z

2BipolarBear26310.84033% Netherlands
2Neelix21250.84113% France
1Fusselfrei26320.81130% Germany
1MandelaBear20280.71021% Romania
0dBlink45301.5037% Germany
0Taquito27231.17028% Mexico
0SiempreAntifa26231.13225% Germany
0murdog18260.69018% United States
0(&)Barbina16230.7222% Slovenia
0JustMe15250.6123% United States
0(&)Ravioli11140.79113% Japan
0[tBMC]Rsn00000% Germany

2F!!!29281.04119% Turkey
2Springbok11270.4109% South Africa
1crisnomnom23320.72019% Canada
1GECKO13250.52214% United States
0WeepingAngel64252.56034% Germany
0UFO34311.1128% Italy
0Fro31152.07126% Namibia
0ImaginePeace18200.9125% Germany
0WeedyGonzalez17220.77023% Netherlands
0E...1682026% Romania
0didisan13150.87044% Germany
0AweJon4110.36010% France
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