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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf valhalla | public | 26 players | 2017-03-15T19:37:25.706Z

2lalalala20250.8018% Germany
2UncleOsamaOG12240.509% Romania
1RedBaron33211.57130% Italy
1pepperus16161222% Hungary
1J@J15230.65015% Italy
0echtjetzt25201.25037% Germany
0negus23171.35036% Hungary
0bluzz14250.56020% Germany
0(&)Penne_rigate7210.33022% France
0Offenburg431.33044% Germany

2[PL]DON21161.31029% Poland
1sa5m45222.05033% Italy
1Crowd>Markus25221.14032% Germany
1FragOrBeFragged12200.6016% France
0tuta41142.93027% Serbia
0Raichuu12240.5025% Argentina
0maxsuper12290.41114% Russian Federation
0[RUSS]ABOCb641.5040% Russian Federation
0Pitjup480.5012% Germany
0Bilbao4250.1605% Germany
0JamesBond260.33013% Italy
0marin010125% Croatia
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