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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf mbt12 | public | 17 players | 2017-03-15T11:02:21.004Z

3Sveark|RB|63173.71041% Russian Federation
3RedBaron21230.91231% Italy
2XD-11290.38012% Germany
0nabu38211.81034% Russian Federation
0Rache13121.08016% Germany
0HansRegenKurt111050% Hungary

3Kimchenin15310.48018% Russian Federation
1nomad3213280.46218% New Zealand
0WrongGuy33291.14241% France
0Bleons27231.17132% Austria
0Roro-The-King16220.73017% France
0Yaku6140.43031% Italy
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