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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf urban_c | public | 25 players | 2017-03-08T20:55:24.649Z

4F!!!30161.88025% Turkey
3echtjetzt25211.19043% Germany
2maryjane77223.5150% Netherlands
2Tonton15210.71024% France
2(&)Linguine9200.45016% Lebanon
1(&)Chifferi11200.55026% Germany
1Snoopy160.17016% Switzerland
0Superior=MyS=41241.71038% Russian Federation
0kivi871.14026% Germany
0As'POLAK5100.5016% Poland

1spiff11230.48023% United States
0[RUSS]TrianG38351.09132% Latvia
0[RUSS]BUL|LET25260.96020% Russian Federation
0ZumpaPati25320.78031% Italy
0zyx21270.78125% Austria
0rzas20220.91122% Poland
0putin13140.93039% Poland
0Dr_3ster7110.64015% Germany
0Faust270.2909% Norway
0(&)Funghini02000% United States
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