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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 26 players | 2017-03-05T15:07:04.493Z

3[RUSS]BUL|LET30271.11120% Russian Federation
2ICC|Fennec43231.87132% Italy
2GoldmanXLolly24241125% Germany
1Geocacher20210.95122% Germany
0Braten25221.14025% Germany
0Springbok17270.63118% South Africa
0(&)Barbina15220.68122% Slovenia
0MrTinyHands13140.93029% Germany
0KüBe541.25025% France
000390.33015% Russian Federation
0porcamadonna140.25016% Italy

3didisan32281.14042% Germany
2Perussola12230.52115% Italy
1KALIMUSCLE25161.56033% Austria
0(&)Gramigna39162.44025% Germany
0[RUSS]julia27300.9026% Russian Federation
0[RUSS]badguy21230.91022% Russian Federation
0As'POLAK14180.78213% Poland
0(&)Linguine9340.26113% Lebanon
0>>nobrain>>pl8100.8229% Poland
0Ao1|Pointblank690.67012% United States
0FireBall230.67066% Germany
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