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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf mercury | public | 15 players | 2017-03-05T14:56:56.522Z

3ICC|Fennec31132.38029% Italy
3<sAs/butters>23181.28019% Greece
2[RUSS]BUL|LET26171.53020% Russian Federation
2GoldmanXLolly1672.29026% Germany
0Geocacher590.56012% Germany
0KALIMUSCLE120.5050% Austria

2(&)Linguine11170.65020% Lebanon
0didisan22240.92050% Germany
0(&)Gramigna21270.78117% Germany
0Springbok13270.48012% South Africa
0[RUSS]badguy331027% Russian Federation
0As'POLAK380.38113% Poland
0admin??01000% Uruguay
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