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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf mbt12 | public | 20 players | 2017-03-05T10:20:03.544Z

2LCe4625241.04024% France
2Tatwaffe23131.77022% Germany
0didisan31330.94239% Germany
0harrypotermagic18230.78035% Argentina
0Serthur12320.38121% Italy
0UFO6130.46222% Italy
0KALIMUSCLE111014% Austria
0Дeд120.506% Russian Federation

3Geocacher21211125% Germany
14-Tune33142.36032% Germany
1costy691115190.79025% Romania
1PowerFlame13220.59018% Italy
1bahatay-430-0.1312% Turkey
0[RUSS]julia42192.21027% Russian Federation
0unnamep11120.92127% Germany
0Uez590.56021% France
0XD-422040% Germany
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