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:: Spirit of Pasta :: | United States

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insta_ctf forge | public | 19 players | 2017-03-02T14:57:20.480Z

4B@dMonkey33201.65030% France
2ZouOu22201.1120% France
1Pulgoso_Furioso44172.59028% Spain
1Geocacher18270.67020% Germany
0stark48271.78027% Germany
0Kaugummi18210.86126% Germany
0costy691115141.07127% Romania
0uovobw7100.709% Spain
0GRABSOMEBUDS6160.38020% United States

1didisan21320.66132% Germany
0\m/_PavelFee36271.33030% Germany
0gerbil19290.66120% United Kingdom
0JamesBond1171.57228% Italy
0I_am_groot890.89022% France
0unVince7260.2708% France
0(&)Rotini6180.33116% Germany
0(&)Linguine331037% Australia
0Keks--Typ1110.09216% Germany
Springbok South Africa
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