!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf wdcd | public | 18 players | 2017-02-26T01:29:20.877Z

7wlkn23350.66021% United States
5Dark*Star17320.53011% Brazil
2[tBMC]tnyELVIS!13260.5013% United States
1n2o39241.63026% Germany
0C|14663r76155.07043% United States
0|DM|Skillz65242.71031% Canada
0Cyberchen188290.28211% Switzerland
0BlueOysterCult2400.05211% United States

2[tBMC]phobo370.4306% United States
0fatmonkeygenius82292.83053% Germany
0nimeni32330.97028% Romania
0GeyBoi28201.4127% United States
0Bertram-RĂ¼diger27310.87023% Germany
0AToiletSeat23300.77017% United States
0x->011340.32014% Brazil
0apf6260.23025% United States
0Pleca4230.1708% United Kingdom
thor7 Germany
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