!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf fc5 | public | 17 players | 2017-02-26T00:37:00.288Z

2thor726132136% Germany
2FartRipper22211.05025% United States
1nomad3220210.95021% New Zealand
1Match13160.81025% Japan
0Bertram-RĂ¼diger36211.71025% Germany
0AnHappyFacey18230.78018% United States
0wlkn212025% United States
069Ghz2100.208% United States

2li'lfluf23250.92030% Latvia
2Skypewalker21191.11027% Serbia
1evil.lord.vader11310.35015% Poland
0nimeni37211.76035% Romania
0<sAs/butters>17111.55026% Greece
0xX_Indi_Xx10210.48022% Germany
0blendzior441021% Poland
0Xoxoxo280.2508% United States
0ebucin00000% Germany
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