!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf suburb | public | 13 players | 2017-02-03T07:04:51.913Z

2maxsuper13150.87021% Russian Federation
2HOFFBEAST7120.58012% United States
1Dolores21230.91122% France
0Sexy_Jutsu871.14027% United States
0va|Lombok331037% Netherlands
0Mom's_Spaghetti250.405% United States

2mblaster15121.25024% United Kingdom
1apf8250.32014% United States
0Nix24131.85134% Germany
0ULLA1091.11023% Germany
0(&)yo8150.53016% Guadeloupe
0belial661050% United States
0BubbingScrubble450.8021% United States
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