!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 19 players | 2017-01-27T09:32:11.755Z

2AlessioLombardi15220.68121% France
1Sorry-Np:)29310.94125% Russian Federation
1PCEnte14240.58021% Germany
1makh6310.19010% Uganda
0map54351.54230% Syrian Arab Republic
0Sveark|RB|49172.88352% Russian Federation
0.23201.15025% Germany
0AutomaticWing2273.14124% Japan

2cc|mikey-cookie32380.84030% United Kingdom
1=(0..0)=29300.97026% Russian Federation
1God_Himself9260.35016% France
1ElMuerto2120.17021% Germany
0tuta1452.8033% Serbia
0mad.cat12280.43021% Czech Republic
0Nöxl12290.41112% Germany
0unnamep590.56022% Germany
0Nerdmind140.2506% Germany
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