!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf flagstone | public | 16 players | 2017-01-20T06:12:09.607Z

2Timakrov_Gunn43202.15041% United States
1Sparrow47182.61134% United States
1[bot]2118220.82115% United States
132_Man16270.59019% United States
0ToupiYe10180.56120% Taiwan
0Nix971.29020% Germany
0[KS]slayer94212022% United States

1DonaldsEve17340.5021% Canada
0Shikijo43281.54138% Canada
0Shag30201.5026% Thailand
0mikey-cookies11190.58219% United Kingdom
0NooBa4210.1906% Australia
0captin_caveman!2110.18011% United States
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