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:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf forgotten | public | 20 players | 2017-01-10T01:55:51.095Z

3DON>PL4180.22014% Poland
2magma66116054% Russian Federation
2named(1337)27181.5022% Germany
1[RUSS]julia22191.16123% Russian Federation
1TedMosby!20161.25018% United States
1KEKVictoray1572.14136% United States
1#Ranger9270.33019% United States
1Xoxoxo7160.44010% United States
0Qqreq33103.3336% Russian Federation
0Rieku|LaChante16121.33043% United States

1[tBMC]tnyELVIS!14240.58023% United States
0SiempreAntifa31271.15038% Germany
0|LoF|3va29340.85329% United States
0smallHorror22270.81135% United States
069Ghz12290.41020% United States
0DonkeyBoy5110.45020% United States
0error380.38021% United States
0noob221033% Romania
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