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:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf shipwreck | public | 26 players | 2017-01-08T12:49:11.684Z

2li'lfluf32241.33026% Latvia
2didisan24300.8140% Germany
1M.X27221.23033% France
1XanD12220.55019% Hungary
1AweJon5160.3119% France
1BastardOperator5170.2908% Germany
0Comrade29201.45034% Russian Federation
0QWERTY|SPAIN21111.91038% Spain
0ElMuerto661035% Germany
0Pinkporky130.33010% Germany
0Joy-119-0.05010% Turkey

2mikey-cookies27201.35029% United Kingdom
2Rustichella12250.48017% Italy
1thor727191.42026% Germany
0kaori32231.39134% Japan
0METALLICA23260.88123% Germany
0~#WF17210.81032% Spain
0Defrance1371.86339% Germany
0kaunas13121.08334% France
0Doctor_Who11180.61029% Russian Federation
0Marp11240.46115% Germany
0Assasin7130.54118% Germany
0(&)Funghini450.8016% Germany
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