!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 26 players | 2017-01-07T14:52:48.244Z

4ElMuerto20201138% Germany
3tytus22161.38018% Germany
2Junior8250.32311% Sweden
1QWERTY|SPAIN36201.8133% Spain
1ueber1142.75042% Austria
1lucas_4100.4122% Italy
0[420]LemonHaZe54134.15043% Netherlands
0Mrbit39172.29133% Italy
0murdog2363.83020% United States
0Troop551020% Belgium
0mastaiza120.5020% Russian Federation

1Perussola14180.78023% Italy
0SSD=fastmapload44241.83038% Germany
0Springbok25280.89128% South Africa
0{camper}dkfl-5116290.55027% Russian Federation
0Zoch1291.33044% Switzerland
0kaori12160.75031% Japan
0unVince9250.36115% France
0gerbil8280.29018% United Kingdom
0Ladycat77190.37021% Slovenia
0HansKloss651.2046% Poland
0[tBMC]pbo4130.31111% United States
0Splintercell4260.15013% Switzerland
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