!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf garden | public | 17 players | 2017-01-07T07:57:03.281Z

3Silence36201.8030% Germany
1apf18290.62328% United States
0:IlvlI4raudR.47153.13238% Canada
0=(0..0)=35261.35036% Russian Federation
0[RUSS]julia15101.5026% Russian Federation
0roei12190.63218% Australia
0Nerdmind522.5041% Germany
0METALLICA441122% Germany
0(&)Fedelini01000% Thailand

0Bangbull40311.29040% Germany
0evil.lord.vader18350.51117% Poland
0N0TOR1US16270.59216% Hong Kong
0arrrg9220.41114% United States
0(&)Linguine4140.29021% Lebanon
0Violator370.4318% New Zealand
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